OCL's ability to grant waivers for each reporting year is determined by the legislative language passed with the state budget (which is generally passed in June and not before). Until that time, OCL will have no indication of whether waivers are authorized.
Libraries should strive toward compliance with standards to the highest degree possible. The standards can be found at:
Quality Libraries Aid: PA Public Library Code 24 Pa. C.S. § 9334 (c) Standards
Incentive for Excellence Aid: PA Public Library Code 24 Pa. C.S. § 9335 (b) Standards
District Library Centers: 24 Pa. C.S. § 9338 (c) and 22 PA Code § 141.22 District Library Centers
We recommend that libraries not meeting standards work with their district consultant and system administrator, if applicable, to develop a plan for how the library will work toward meeting the required standard(s).